California School of Health Sciences seeks to promote goodwill by using explicitly stated fair and equitable cancellation and refund practices pertaining to cancellations, withdrawals, and termination.


For students

who have completed more than 60 percent of the enrollment period will not be legible for a refund. For students who have completed 60 percent or less of the enrollment period, the institution will provide a pro-rata refund.

The institution will retain the registration fee plus a percentage of tuition and fees, which is based on the percentage of the clock hours or weeks (based on the program) attended and the recorded student’s last date of attendance (LDA), as the examples described in the table below. LDA for IDL courses will be determined by checking the activity logs to find out when a student last interacted with your course materials.

The institution will pay or credit refunds within 45 days of a student’s documented date of

determination (DOD). If a student provides advanced notice of withdrawal such that the 45-day window for refund processing ends before the last date of attendance, the refund must be paid within forty-five (45) calendar days from the last date of attendance.


A. Example 1: Monitor Tech Certification: Student attended 16 hours

Total Program CostNon-Refundable Registration FeesTuitionsClock HoursHourly chargesNumber of hours student attendedThe Amount OwedThe Amount Refunded if the Tuition Paid in Full
$2904324732$7.7216 hours (50% Attendance)16 X $7.72= $123.5$123.50

Monitor Tech Certification: Student attended 24 hours

Total Program CostNon-Refundable Registration FeesTuitionsClock HoursHourly chargesNumber of hours student attendedThe Amount OwedThe Amount Refunded if the Tuition Paid in Full
$2904324732$7.7224 hours (75% Attendance)24X $7.72= $185.25$0.00(No refund attended > 60%)

C. Example 3: Monitor Tech Certification: No Show or Cancelled

Total Program CostNon-Refundable Registration FeesTuitionsClock HoursHourly chargesNumber of hours student attendedThe Amount OwedThe Amount Refunded if the Tuition Paid in Full
$2904324732$7.72024X $7.72= $0$247

Registration Fees, Books, and supplies given to the students are non-refundable.

SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES-OVERSEAS AGENTS: Students will be informed of the contractual relationship and its effects on their ability to obtain a refund. If a student pays through a recruiting agent and is due a refund, the refund may be made on behalf of the student to the agent. Students will be notified in writing that the refund has been made on behalf of the students to the agent.

UNRESOLVED REFUND ISSUES: If a course refund cannot be resolved at the Administrative Assistant (AA) level, refer the student/customer to Director of Education (DOE). If the DOE is not on site, the AA will leave a message and advise the student/customer they will be called within 7 business days.

If the student has any complaints, questions, or problems that you cannot work out with the school, write or call the following two organizations.


Physical Address: 1747 North Market Blvd., Suite 225, Sacramento, CA 95834 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818Phone Number: (916) 431-6959 Fax: (916) 263-1897 Toll Free: 1888-370-7589


Physical Address: 1722 N St NW, Washington, DC, 20036 Phone: (202)955-1113, Fax: (202) 955-1118


You may cancel this contract for school, without any penalty or obligation by the date stated below. If you cancel, any payment you have made and any negotiable instrument signed to you shall be returned to you within 45 days following the school’s receipt of your cancellation notice

To cancel the contract for school, email, mail, or deliver a signed and dated copy of this cancellation notice, or any notice, to:
California School of Health Sciences 1240 S State College Blvd, Suite 240 Anaheim,, CA 92840
NOT LATER THAN Midnight of / / Mon/ Day/ Year

(the first class session, or the seventh day after enrollment whichever is later) I cancel the contract for school.
Date / / Mon/ Day/ Year

REMEMBER, Students may notify CSHS verbally, or via email or written request. CSHS may request, but not require, a student to submit a written notification of withdrawal for administrative purposes, unless written notice is mandated by federal or state law. It is noted that the Student Exchange Visitor’s Program (SEVP) does not explicitly require written notification of cancellation or withdrawal.

If you have any complaints, questions, or problems that you cannot work out with the school, write or call the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education:

Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
Physical Address: 1747 North Market Blvd., Suite 225, Sacramento, CA 95834 Mailing Address: P O Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818
Phone Number: 916-431-6959
Toll Free: 888-370-7589
Fax Number: 916-263-1897