Research Residency Program
Research Residency Program
The primary goal of this program is to provide visiting students from International Universities with opportunities to explore up-to-date information and resources to enhance their abilities to write and conduct scientific research under the supervision of the California School of Health Sciences faculty.
Course Objectives:
At the conclusion of the class, the participant will be able to
To enable studets to write a competitive and good quality dissertation/thesis/reasearch paper.
– To be able to access online literatures
– To gain skills how to prepare documents using the APA format, and write the statement of purpose or problem, writing comprehensive research methodology and data collection and analysis.
– To prepare students to overcome forthcoming work and educational challenges in real situations.
– To enable our trainees to become experts in high fidelity simulation field.
– To be able to establish and maintain relationships between U.S. universities faculty and students with the international faculty and students in order to support ongoing contact and collaboration.
Who should attend?
Telemetry Nurses
Nurse cross training for Critical Care Nursing
Emergency Room Nurses
ICU/CCU Nurses
CE Hours:
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing ( Provider Number 17440), for 8 contact hours.
"*" indicates required fields
"*" indicates required fields